Alicia18v Online Now


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I'm a strong, intelligent, Beautiful and determined Female who applauds good values, sense, dedication, certainty, passion and appeal. Along with other gifts in life I've been blessed with, I have a voice to sing with that in many ways is unique and soothingly desireable to hear. I believe in obtaining the best this life has to offer and I "work very hard" to "Capture my Dream" as I've been doing. On Occassion, I've been known to move slow, but thats to assure myself my choices are valid and will be viewed with good merit. In other instances I can move speedilyy, simply because I'm 101% sure and confident with the choice at hand.
Dreams: I'm seeking someone of like character but opposite sex (LOL), thats not afraid to be themselves, thats open to ALL possibilities for honest grandeur and that's interested in a partner that would not take as a pet to boss around (I know some of you know what I'm talkin about). Is that you?? I'm easy to figure out, no unpleasant surprises, enigmatic personality disorders and I boldly invite an intellectual cutie, spiritually astute with a good sense of belonging to join me in the continued quest pursuant of the true meanings of this life we live, to identify, declare and experience REAL love....More !!!

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